
Pre-Islamic Arabia


I think the society was far progressive than what happened later. Muhammad’s wife Khadijah was a rich businesswoman who hired Muhammad. This shows the society was far more progressive before oppressive Muhammad took over. Khadijah married Muhammad who was a poor worker which again shows the progressiveness of the society where a rich woman marries a poor servant man.

Khadijah was naive not to understand the evilness of Muhammad who cleverly hid his true self untill she died. All his good and compassionate verses in the Quran were during this time. (Makki vs Medini verses).

She was widowed twice, again showing the society treated widows and women well before Muhammad took over, and converted women into a baby producing machines meant to serve their male owners either as wives or sex slaves.

Overall the society looks to be progressive and advanced. Once Muhammad took over things rapidly changed and things became extremely violent and restricted. An overall inclusive Jewish, Polytheists, and Zorastrian society was put into this Islamic hell.

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